Implant Overdenture

Why You Should Choose Dental Implants Over Dentures

Do you have a missing tooth or teeth? Are you looking for the perfect replacement option? There are a variety of options to choose from such as implants, bridges, and dentures. When it comes to choosing the best option, dental implants from Lubbock, TX, are the best choice for you! Traditional dentures offer an affordable and quick solution for missing teeth. However, dentures are not a permanent solution for missing teeth.

Why You Should Choose Dental Implants Over Dentures?

The following are a few reasons why you should choose implants over dentures in Lubbock, TX.

  • Dental Implants Stay In One Place

With dentures, there’s a high possibility of it becoming loose, it might slip out while you are eating or speaking. It may also cause you to slur, or it might shift while speaking. With dental implants, the titanium post is fused with your jawbone, which gives a solid base. It mimics the roots of your natural teeth. This process is also known as osseointegration. This makes the new implant and the replacement permanently fixed.

  • Dental Implants Last For Long 

Dental implants are a permanent solution for your missing teeth and you don’t need to worry about replacement or repair. With proper maintenance and care, Dental Implants can last a lifetime. However, even the best quality dentures only last up to 7 years and need to be replaced. Ill-fitting dentures can cause the following issues

  • Swollen gums, irritation or soreness
  • Blisters
  • Difficulty in chewing
  • Headaches
  • Bite Problems
  • Poor nutrition

Dental implants provide the stability no other teeth replacement option can provide. This makes it popular and the best choice.

  • No Dietary Restrictions.

You need adhesives to keep your dentures in place, which can be a messy process. This can ruin the taste of your meal. You also need to restrict yourself to a certain diet. You need to avoid hard, sticky, chewy foods that are bad for your dentures. With dental implants, once the process of osseointegration stabilizes the implant and the metal post is completely fused to your jawbone, they are permanently fixed. You can now enjoy all your favorite foods without any hesitation.

  • Dental Implants Improve Oral Health

Ill-fitting dentures can cause sores and blisters. It can even develop serious infections, and it has also been linked or oral cancer. It is also important to maintain proper oral hygiene with dentures because if they aren’t cleaned properly, they can build up plaque and bacteria, which increase the risk of gum disease. Dental implants are just like natural teeth, which means you don’t have to take extra measures to maintain them. You can brush and floss regularly and maintain optimal oral health.

  • Dental Implants Support The Bone & Facial Structure.

If you are wondering what you can do for missing teeth, then don’t worry, there are a variety of tooth replacement options like dental implants, bridges, and dentures. However, bridges and dentures are just placed on your gum line, which means there’s no support for your jawbone. This can cause your jawbone to deteriorate and cause sagging making you look older than you are. As dental implants are integrated into your jawbone, they will provide support for your missing teeth. It will preserve your facial structure.

  • Dental Implants Look Natural

Dental implants act look and feel just like natural teeth. The crown is also customized to match your natural teeth. You don’t have to spend time trying to adjust your dentures. You can now eat and talk freely without the worries of slipping or sliding dentures.

Dental Implants In Lubbock, TX

If you have missing teeth and want the best tooth replacement option, and are looking for the top dentist & periodontist in Lubbock, TX, visit our dental office today! At Lubbock Dental Implant Center, our experts will work with you and understand your concerns and create the best treatment plan that will suit all your needs. Contact us now to restore your smile and confidence with the help of the best implant dentist.